Pycharm IDE

PyCharm’s smart code editor provides first-class support for Python, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, CSS, popular template languages and more. Take advantage of language-aware code completion, error detection, and on-the-fly code fixes!   Nombre PyCharm Versión actual 4.5.2-1~getdeb1 Plataforma Linux, Mac, Windows. Licencia Apache v2 Web: Manuales Software privativo relacionado Microsoft Visual Studio

Eclipse IDE

Eclipse is famous for our Java Integrated Development Environment (IDE), but our C/C++ IDE and PHP IDE are pretty cool too. You can easily combine language support and other features into any of our default packages, and the Eclipse Marketplace allows for virtually unlimited customization and extension.   Nombre Eclipse IDE Versión actual 3.8.1-5.1 Plataforma […]

Netbeans IDE

NetBeans IDE is the official IDE for Java 8. With its editors, code analyzers, and converters, you can quickly and smoothly upgrade your applications to use new Java 8 language constructs, such as lambdas, functional operations, and method references. The editor supports many languages from Java, C/C++, XML and HTML, to PHP, Groovy, Javadoc, JavaScript and […]


LibreOffice es la suite ofimática libre por excelencia. Fue el ganador en la V Edición de los «Premios PortalProgramas al mejor software libre 2013». Tras nacer como fork de OpenOffice (una de las principales alternativas libres a Microsoft Office) ahora ha ocupado su lugar y es el paquete ofimático por defecto en muchas distribuciones de […]

Lpsolve + Lpsolve for R

Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) solver lp_solve solves pure linear, (mixed) integer/binary, semi-cont and special ordered sets (SOS) models.lp_solve is written in ANSI C and can be compiled on many different platforms like Linux and WINDOWS Nombre Lpsolve + Lpsolve for R Versión actual Plataforma Linux, Mac, Windows. Licencia LGPLv2 Web: Manuales […]